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Candle colors

The candles must be tinted throughout to optimize the desired intention. If you are burning a black candle, always place a white candle next to it. Here are the candle colors with the main themes linked to guide your intentions.
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WHITE: Increases psychic powers, clairvoyance and divination. Develops spiritual strengths. Protection and purification. Order a white candle

SKY BLUE: Devotion. She is a support in all kinds of actions.Order a sky blue candle

INDIGO BLUE: Increases psychic powers. Order an indigo blue candle

ROYAL BLUE: Used in rites where fidelity, sincerity, loyalty, peace, hope and trust are required. Order a royal blue candle

GRAY: Symbolizes neutrality. It neutralizes negative influences. Calls for an end to conflicts.Order a gray candle

YELLOW: Helps with healing. Increases self-confidence, charm and notoriety. Attracts luck, joy and happiness. Order yellow candle

BROWN: Allows the protection of objects, property and domestic animals. Helps develop concentration and telepathy. Order a Brown candle

BLACK: Drives away bad luck and misfortunes. The black candle banishes evil spirits, exorcises the evil eye by chasing away evil. Must always be accompanied by a white candle.Order the black & white duo

ORANGE: Stimulates energy, strength but also a carnal and passionate life. In other areas: luck and friendships. Order an orange candle

PINK: It brings Love, promotes marriage proposals, energizes tenderness, affection as well as stable bonds. Sentimental takes precedence above all.

RED: It symbolizes deep love and increases the power of seduction. This color promotes fertility, stimulates sensuality and increases sexual tone. It provokes true love. It gives courage, strength and energy. Order a red candle

TURQUOISE: It symbolizes wisdom, restores physical and psychological balance. Soothes aggression and anger.Order a turquoise candle

GREEN: For money and financial security. Help with starting a business. It is also a symbol of youth, fertility and abundance.Order a Green candle

LIGHT GREEN: It controls and abolishes all kinds of jealousies. It cancels the effects of envy, greed and resentment. She attracts sympathy. Order a Light Green candle

VIOLET: It brings wisdom, kindness, meditation, mysticism, clairvoyance and perseverance.Order a Violet candle

GOLD: It multiplies and reinforces requests. It brings wealth and abundance. Allows contact with the world of the Invisible.(to be manufactured)

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